Friday, February 13, 2009

Gains and Losses

You'd think my title referred to the stock market, but then you probably rethought that due to the 'gain' part. Actually it refers to Chief "gaining" an award for being a 20 minute reader (yeah, I know a lot of kids got one, but still...) and "losing" another front tooth. I keep meaning to take a picture of him to post. He pulled it out during school on Wednesday. He (and Dad and Mom) tried on Tuesday night, but it wasn't sure it was ready yet. It was really cute to watch him prepare himself to pull it out.
Now the school Valentine parties are over, but my sons are not ready to stop partying. They just want to keep decorating and having fun. As if we don't have enough holidays to celebrate by decorating and partying! That's okay though--as long as the parents are still invited.


Anonymous said...

Time to get out your shamrocks!

I bought the 3 pound bag of Easter treats from Costco today---not only have I been eating them all day, but I am munching on them as I write to you. Happy Easter!!!

Company of 5 said...

That's okay. My kids made an imprompue cake yesterday. They are eating it for breakfast. Yeah--I know--I'm a great mom (tongue in cheek).