Friday, October 24, 2008

Oooh, Aaahhh, Ouch!

So we went to the Pumpkin Walk today. That means we got to go walk along a park pathway and see displays, made with pumpkins, following the theme of "Heros in our lives" or something like that. At least--it's about heros. Anyway, people who seem to have time on their hands come up with some cool ideas on how to transform pumpkins and a bunch of materials (whatever they can come up with) to fit the theme. They are pretty cool and fun for the kids. At least, most kids. Somehow, halfway along the pathway, suddenly Punkie started screaming, crying, and throwing herself around my arms. Apparantly a bee had crawled inside her shirt (and the sweater she had on over) and had stung her on the chest. Someone thought they had seen the bee fly off as I took off her sweater. She kept grabbing her shirt and whimpering for the rest of the tour. It makes you feel bad for your kids when something happens that hurts them. We had already had Punkie to the doctor a couple of days ago for a painful problem (let's just say I've never poured antacid in a diaper before this week). But it's good that kids, and adults, can learn to adjust and move on from bad experiences.


Sandra said...

antacid??? What was that for? I went with the kindergarten today, there doesn't seem to be as many entries as in past years. I agree though, very creative. I hope Punkie feels better.

Company of 5 said...

She does feel better. I did notice the lack of entries compared to last year. The antacid is to counteract the acidity of the urine that was irritating her skin. She had a diaper rash due to, well--you know, and that is what the doctor told me to do. That and Desitin. I only had A+D, but it worked well too.