Monday, October 13, 2008


My hubby has been listening to some podcasts for a class of his. One speaker theorized that people are more accepting of bad news than good. I disagreed. Then I realized that most of my blogs are about the things the kids do that make my hair turn gray. I almost never write about the heart-melting warm fuzzies that they do or say. I suppose that either the speaker is right about people preferring to hear the things that go wrong, but maybe I just like to vent. Just so you know, my kids aren't necessarily the devils I make them out to be :). Of course, occasionally they do act like fallen angels {sigh}.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

I think all kids are at times. I think it's hard to hear about something bad they have done when it affects other kids. All you want is for them to be nice, good and reverent but you never know what they do when your not there. I'm sure my kids are pills for you in Primary.....sorry...I'll apologize in advance for the things they do he he.