Friday, November 7, 2008

Change of Plans

You know how it is: you are going on about your day, doing those things that you need to do when suddenly something comes up and you find yourself immersed in another project? That would be today. Just as I am finishing up cleaning up the family room, I head upstairs to check on the two young ones and find them sitting above my head. On the bunkbed. Apparently my 20 month old decided she's old enough to climb up.
Uh, I don't think so!
We've talked about taking down the top bunk a few times, but today was the point where we had no choice. The room was rearranged and the bunks were separated, joints tightened and room completely cleaned (including the stuff that had fallen behind dressers, etc).
And now, we have a new room design for the kids (which means they might play there more for awhile).
On the other hand, we've just changed our jungle gym into a trampoline...

1 comment:

Tina said...

jungle gym into a trampoline... good comparison. Hope it all works out for the best. We recently rearranged Bridget's room too... and she does play in there more now (we'll see how long that lasts).