Thursday, November 13, 2008


Where does the time go!?!? I keep thinking I will blog when something interesting pops up, and I'm sure some things in my life are interesting (or, at least I think so), but when it comes right down to it I never know exactly what to write. Anyway, I'm finding myself busy again. When one of my many things slow down, another comes up. At least they counterbalance each other.
Red has the stomach flu that is going around. The one that his preschool friends had. I'm just hoping the rest of us somehow miraculously escape it (though it seems to target the young and elderly). I cancelled school for tomorrow, a bittersweet thing to do.
By the way, if you shop at Albertsons (if you have one where you live), until next week there is a bonus sale: buy one Sara Lee pie, get another pie and two Breyers ice cream containers free. Though the store here is understocked until Saturday. Let's just say I know where I'll be early on Saturday!


Sandra said...

I went on Wednesday and got the pie/ice cream deal. I'm glad I went then if they are out. Good to know there will be more Saturday. I was hoping to get more since we're suppose to have the youth over for a fireside on Sunday...I figure pie and ice cream EASY!

Sandra said...

Oh I hope your little boy is better and that you don't get it. The stomach flu is one that scares me everytime....especially with little ones who can't make it to the toilet, good luck.

Company of 5 said...

Well, the good news is that he's fine. Losing his food twice was the only symptom. And luckily, he did make it to the toilet!