Wednesday, August 20, 2008

First day of school

So Chief started school again today. I walked with him, his siblings, and a friend and her daughter. You could just imagine how heart-broken he must have been when he waved me off as we were on the sidewalk leading up to the school and said, "It's okay Mom, I can go from here." I'm sure he just quickened his step so I wouldn't see his tears. Yeah, that's it.
Forgot the camara though. Oh well. As it was, he wanted to walk by himself (uh, not gonna happen).
When he got home I could tell school had really begun. Chief gets all animated and goofy because that's how he acts around other kids. He freezes with goofy expressions on his face for reaction purposes.
I'd better go find, I mean check on, the kids.


Sandra said...

I'm going to link to your blog if thats okay? If not let me know. I'm excited that your a part of the blogging world now. I think it's exciting to get comments. Danika gets really goofy too. She loves to watch others laugh. Glad to know that my kids arn't the only ones who do it.

Company of 5 said...

Feel free to link away! :)