Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My kids will beg to go to the dentist now.

I'm surprised how quickly days go by now. It's amazing how that happens right when fall comes and the holidays are approaching.
The preschool field trip was great! Although my kids and I have been to a dentist before, the pediatric dentist's office was fun. The kids got whistles, dentist pouches (with floss, timers, and samples), and a balloon from the balloon room. The waiting room was actually a room filled with love sacs and big, huge bouncing balls. I like it at least as much as my kids' dentist office, which has play houses, an aquarium, toys, and movies. Although this staff was great at talking to them at their level. We never had dentist offices like this when I was a kid!


Tina said...

That does sound like a pretty cool dentist's office. What a fun field trip idea!

Sandra said...

Yep that does sound fun. Who do you go to? Our dentists office just has a little closet area opened with some toys for kids.

Company of 5 said...

The preschool went to Dr. Doug's. I think he has a different office name though. His is on the other side of the mall. We go to the pediatric dentist at 1451 N. 200 E. I'm looking for a good adult dentist that takes PEHP. Know any?