Sunday, September 21, 2008

Kids say the darndest things.

Though we don't have a great host like Bill Cosby or the original Art Linkletter, church is still one of the best places to hear those treasured tidbits that make you laugh. Okay, I bet school is also a good place too. Anyway, my kids didn't disappoint in their conversations. As the Sunbeam teacher in charge of sharing time called order, all the kids quieted and the only sound left was Red's four year old voice asking the little blond sitting next to him why she wouldn't marry him. I couldn't hear her response, but his reply was to the affect that he'd either marry her, or his own sister. That's what I heard. Apparently the roles switched later since her father said he heard his daughter ask Red why he wouldn't marry her. My hubby's response? "Well, they'd better learn to get along if they want a happy marriage."
Chief's substituting teacher, thanks Tina!, let me in on his two cents. He explained to her that I went to the doctor and had Red one day. The VERY next day I had a pain in my side. I went to the doctor and Punkie was born. For some reason we don't understand Red has grown faster than Punkie.

I used to think he was an honest and observant child...


Sandra said...

Its so cute how little they are when they start talking about marriage. Danika and Andrew went through the whole thing of saying they would marry each other too. Funny, Funny.

Tina said...

Funny thing... I'd see the "Company of 5" link on Shauntae's blog for awhile, but never knew it was you. After your comment tonight I thought I'd check it out! Good to see you in blog land!!

It was fun to substitute on Sunday. It was all I could do not to laugh at his cute comments. You've always got to wonder how kids interpret things!