Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Are piles considered a decoration?

I've got a love-hate relationship with decorating magazines. The ideas are great (sometimes), and spur my imagination, yet they are useless to someone like me. I have no decorating sense whatsoever. I mean, I know what I like when I see it, but I don't even try at home. My house is for living and looks like it. Another problem is this: When I get around to cleaning, I get distracted by the small stuff. Take today, while I was cleaning the bathroom, I focused on scrubbing the door. Sure, it was something that was needed, but the door? I could have focused on other parts of the house that are buried under piles of junk and clothes. I could pick up the big stuff, move things where they need to go, etc, but no--the door was a priority. See--I know WHAT the problem is, but I don't know HOW to change it. I guess I could try to redirect myself, but as long as I feel like I accomplished something, then I am content with the rest of the house looking like a tornado hit it. Augh! Any suggestions?


Sandra said...

I'm not good at decor either, that is a talent I have yet to aquire. Ahh I have the same cleaning syndrome. If I start a project and see something else that needs to be done I'll go to that but forget the other. This is a never ending cycle for me. Good luck!

Raelynn said...

I found you!! YEA!! Cute blog! You're fam is so CUTE!!
Well.. For decorating.. i kinda have an eye for it but others seem to have a better eye.. So'll if you need help i can come over and help out.. Well if you want!!!

AuntieG said...

YIKES!!! You are my daughter instead of my sis's girl! Loved your comments about home decor and getting distracted when cleaning (and soooooo related to them). Where do we get this from, and what is up with that??
Love the family pics. Bought our granddaughter a little T shirt in Silverton that says, "I think my name is NO NO". Thought of that when I saw the pics of your Punkie since they have same name.
OK...this is my first blog, but I just could not resist after seeing your last comments. Your Mom gave me the web site address so I had checked it out the other night.
Have a super weekend!!

Company of 5 said...

Thanks for your comments guys! Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one. Raelynn, if I can ever clean my house enough to see it, I will totally take you up on that offer! I did set out some fresh apples in a cute basket on the table, that's a good start, right?