Sunday, September 7, 2008

Scrambled Memory

It appears that beyond my main responsibilities, I've been concentrating on two different areas: church and school, with two subcategories each. For church I'm preparing for the primary sharing time lesson and an Activity Day for about 100 young girls and for school I'm the Membership Chair for the PTA and this is my week to teach the home-preschool lessons for Red and a couple of girls. With all I'm supposed to be doing I'm worried that I'm going to end up trying to convince the primary kids to join the PTA, the Activity Day 8-11 year olds how to tie their shoes, the preschool kids the importance of prayer, and I'll be following the older elementary kids around, trying to show them some fun games they can do at home with their families for Family Home Evening. Yeah, that'll go over real well.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Ha Ha that would be funny to see but I'm sure you'll do great in each area!